Trademark Search Procedure
Trademark Search Procedure before making application of Trademark
Q1 How do I check if a name is trademarked?
for trademark search
Q2 What is the meaning of Trademark?
Trademark in a very simple words means a mark or a name which a person has exclusive rights and title to use it. Q3 Is it compulsory to apply for Trademark? It is not a compulsory provisions but if you want safety of your Brand name that your goodwill should not be used by someone else then you must apply for it. |
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Q4 Is there any Government Fees for making application for Trademark?
Yes, 4500/- is payable if an individual or small entity applies for Trademark application. Q5 How much time does it take to get a Trademark Registered or getting (R) symbol? It approximately took at least 4-6 months to get a trademark registered. At the first instance TM permission is given to the applicant. Next application is scrutinized by the Registrar. Then the application is published in Trademark Journal. Then after 4 months of publishing in Trademark Journal, an application gets status of (R). |
Very much needed information, thanks for the way it explained.
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Thanks for sharing such knoweledgable inofrmation if anyone want any help regarding trademark registraton then darcollp will assist you.Trademarks can be defined as special, distinctive signs that are used to distinguish products or services coming from a particular business. They might be patterns, images, signs, or even facial emotions. It is crucial since it sets your items apart from those of your rivals. It might be connected to your company or a particular item. Trademarks are protected from infringement since they are considered to be intellectual property. The Trademark Act of 1999 protects trademarks and their rights.